This guidebook is an ideal companion for motorists who want to tour Zakynthos by car, as well as those planning a holiday walking in Zakynthos. The book combines the best features of our ‘Landscapes’ walking and car touring guides with all the detail you would expect in a hefty general guide, but it is pocket size and in full colour. Coverage includes getting there and getting about; recommended accommodation and restaurants; practicalities A-Z; history; 22 main walks with many variations, all with both hand-drawn and GPS-compatible maps; copious notes on geology, flora and fauna (all illustrated).
Area covered: There are car tours and walks all over the island. Although the main towns can be reached by bus, to really take advantage of the island and to reach most of the walks you will need to hire a car (to save money, hire through your travel agent when booking your holiday or book in advance on the web). If you would like to explore the island’s back roads or cover some of the walking routes by car, the author advises hiring a four-wheel drive vehicle. (But 4WD vehicles are not necessary for reaching the starting points of the walks).
The best months for walking on Zakynthos are from late September to May; summer is far too hot.