Gem Trek's Columbia Icefield map meets the needs of visitors looking to explore North America’s largest icefield south of Alaska. Located beside the Icefields Parkway, the icefield is both spectacular and accessible. Whether you are touring along the parkway and taking an Ice Explorer out onto the Athabasca Glacier or heading off to explore the surrounding wilderness on foot, you’ll find the waterproof and tear-resistant Columbia Icefield an invaluable tool for making the most of your visit. This Columbia Icefield map features detailed cartography, accurate hiking trails with distances, and details such as glacier flow direction and drainage routes. Campgrounds and highway viewpoints are also marked. In addition to the map, this product is a user-friendly guide to the Columbia Icefield. It includes detailed descriptions of what to see and do at the icefield, recommended hiking trails, a wildlife-viewing guide, answers to frequently asked questions (How big is the Columbia Icefield? How deep is the ice? Why is the glacial ice blue? And many more), and a list of the highest surrounding mountains.