The map covers:Østmarka, Øyeren, Bjørkelangen
Here you will find tours in areas around Skedsmo, Sørum, Fet and Aurskog-Høland. In other words - the large cultural landscapes and forest areas east of Glomma towards the national border. In the area you will find peaks, walks, paths and viewpoints such as Grønlia view, Hotvettjern, Hellefjellet, Taterstigen, Bjønnåsen, Svanestien, Høgåsrunden, Tjuvstuåsen and St. Hansåsen.
Detailed and easy to read
Covers about 3000 km²
Water resistant
Clear marked hiking trails
Cabins and Accommodations
Topo 3000 map series contains detailed walking maps covering over 3000 km². The maps are ideal for longer trips of a larger area.The maps cover areas where they typically need multiple route maps to cover the same area.Topo 3000 maps cover several of Norway's most popular hiking areas and have clearly marked hiking trails and lodging