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Altmark East Stendal cycle map Bikeline SAA02 Bikeline | 9783850003506

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Bismark - Havelberg - Milde-Biese-Aland - Osterburg - Tangermünde - Wittenberge The Altmark is located in the north of Saxony-Anhalt between the federal states of Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg. It covers the area of ??the districts of Altmarkkreis Salzwedel and Stendal. The region was populated very early on. The first traces of settlement were found in the north and south-west, they date from around the 4th century BC. The first documented designation dates back to the year 1304. At that time, the Altmark was part of the Mark Brandenburg in western Elbia. An outstanding number of Romanesque and Gothic monuments make the historical importance of the region clear. Today, the landscape, which has so far been largely spared by large-scale industry, is primarily agricultural due to the numerous farms. The sparse population and the many protected areas make it possible that a unique flora and fauna can be found in the Altmark. In recent years, gentle tourism has developed in the region and there are many offers for active holidays. The Elbe lowland Altmärkische Wische in the eastern part of the Altmark is a largely untouched natural landscape. Before the dikes were built, the Elbe flooded here. The wide areas are mainly used for agriculture. Long ditches run through the landscape, with which the meadows and fields are drained. Species-rich hedges, remains of alluvial forest, isolated willows, alders and oaks, in between small villages and farmsteads, this is what the characteristic landscape of the meadows looks like here in the glacial valley of the Elbe. Some areas are extensively designated as nature reserves, because the Elbe meadows with the oxbow lakes, bracks and weirs as well as the adjoining wetlands are ideal breeding areas for many bird species. Stendal is one of the large Hanseatic cities in the southern Altmark and today the largest city in the Altmark and at the same time an economic and administrative center. The many impressive historic buildings have been extensively renovated. In the meantime, the entire old town has been declared a monument. In addition to impressive brick buildings and medieval castles and town centers, the many old village churches and windmills are the main features of the landscape. Some castles, manor houses and parks also tell of the long time when the von Bismarck family - an old Junker family - had a say in the fate of the country. Probably the most important personality who comes from the Altmark is Prince Otto von Bismarck, founder of the German Empire and first German Chancellor. The lively town of Arendsee - the pearl of the Altmark - with the monastery of the same name is ideal for a break, because there are many cafes and restaurants in this climatic health resort. You should also plan a stay in the two old Hanseatic cities of Seehausen and Osterburg. The Jerichow Monastery and the Hanseatic city of Tangermünde are two tourist highlights on the Altmark circuit. The Altmark circular course leads through the Altmark region in a large loop. From Salzwedel, the tour runs clockwise east to the Elbe. The Altmark circuit and the Elbe cycle path partly follow the same route along this river. On the four-country border cycle path, a cycle tour between the Elbe, Altmark and Wendland, memory becomes visible, history can be experienced and nature can be experienced. For most of its approximately 190-kilometre length, it follows the course of the Green Belt, a cycle path along the former German-German border. Signposted border experience points draw visitors' attention to special features along the way, eg to former border towers, to razed villages or to the habitats of rare animals or plants. Cycle paths and routes with information about surface and traffic density. Selected street names. Precise gradient and distance information. Selection of the most important tourist information. Waterproof and tear-resistant paper. Thoroughly researched and permanently updated. With the cartographic route information you can start your trip confidently, because all the necessary information is already compiled for you: road surface (paved or unpaved), traffic density, hill slopes, distance information tourist infrastructure such as inns and lodging establishments, as well as the cultural and scenic attractions of the region.


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571 grams
23 cm
12 cm

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